Welcome to The Forest Community Men’s Shed
Located in Belrose, Sydney, our shed is a great place for retired and older aged men to share a yarn, a cuppa and muck about with wood!

Founder’s Message
G’day! If you’re a bloke aged 55 years & over, who’s retired or semi-retired, we’d love to have you come and visit us and learn about the benefits of Men’s Shed Membership.
~Tim O’Sullivan
Opening Hours
Monday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Tuesday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Wednesday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
About our shed
The Forest Community Men’s Shed Inc. is an incorporated association based in the Sydney suburb of Belrose. The Men’s Shed provides a woodworking and hobbies workshop facility and ‘drop-in centre’ for retired and older aged men, where they can meet and socialise with other men and at the same time work on personal or community projects.
The Men’s Shed has been established to provide a ‘shed substitute’ for retired men who may no longer have access to their own shed, garage or workspace they can call their own. Every bloke needs a shed!
Whether through downsizing of the family home or through other circumstances, retired men who no longer have access to their own ‘special work area’ can use the facilities of The Men’s Shed and at the same time enjoy the company of other men and ‘a cuppa’ in the friendly and relaxed atmosphere created by blokes working shoulder-to-shoulder with other like-minded blokes.
Men’s Shed members have access to an extensive range of woodworking tools and equipment that ordinarily may not be available to most hobbyists and handymen or to those with limited space. The workshop has been established and equipped under the guidance of a project steering committee comprising woodworking craftsmen, trade and engineering professionals and business managers.
The supervision of day-to-day activities is undertaken on a voluntary basis by a Shed Coordinator in conjunction with Shed members who have been appointed as workshop supervisors. Overall management of The Men’s Shed is also undertaken on a voluntary basis by a management committee comprising the office bearers of the Association and Men’s Shed members. Additional guidance and support are provided by representatives of the co-founding principal project sponsors.
Membership of The Men’s Shed is subject to a nominal annual membership fee; as well members are requested to make a ‘token’ contribution each time they attend, to help toward the cost of providing refreshments and to cover incidental operating expenses. Members are requested to bring their own lunch if attending all day.
Find Us
Carpark level, Wesley Gardens Retirement Centre, Morgan Rd, Belrose (off Forest Way)
Entrance via driveway 2E
Take the lower road and enter via automatic roller door
We are proud to be a Dementia Friendly Community Group
Discover more…
Interested in joining The Men’s Shed?
Send us an enquiry, or simply visit during opening hours and chat with a Duty Supervisor and our members. You’ll be made most welcome!
Our Principal Supporters
The founding joint sponsors were the Lions Club of Frenchs Forest, UnitingCare Ageing and the Rotary Club of Belrose. These organisations remain committed to providing continuing support for The Men’s Shed Project.
The project has been financially assisted through grants from the Commonwealth Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs and Forestville RSL Sub-Branch. The Men’s Shed Management Committee is particularly indebted to Uniting for its ongoing support of this important community project